Monthly Archives: August 2014

Anthony Robbins Interviews Frank Kern

Anthony Robbins Interviews Frank Kern in Money Masters Video Learning Lessons from the Interview: (as interpreted & understood by me) FRANK KERN is a renowned internet marketer and online entrepreneur. He now consults with entrepreneurs on growing their revenue online with his innovative strategies. He is one of the best Internet marketers currently. One company made over 18 million dollars…

Darren Hardy Interviews Guy Finley

Darren Hardy Interviews Guy Finley Guy Finely is the author of many books including “The Secret of Letting Go” and “Essential Laws of Fearless Living”. You can view his website at Learning Lessons from the Interview: (as interpreted & understood by me) We shouldn’t attempt to get rid of our lives of fear, rather we should choose fear as…

Darren Hardy Interviews Jim Brown

Top Sales Expert – JimBo – Real Estate Expert.  Learning Lessons from the Interview: (as interpreted & understood by me)   A Defining moment for Jim Brown came when he went through tape series from Ned Shelton and read the book “I am Ok, You are Ok”. He developed a library consisting of books, eBooks, tapes, videos and more.  …

Better Business Writing – Book Review V

Book Summary Better Business Writing – Engage readers – Tighten & brighten – Make your Case – By Bryan A. Garner SECTION 3 – AVOIDING THE QUIRKS THAT TURN READERS OFF Chapter 16 Don’t anesthetize your readers It is obvious that your shouldn’t put your audience to sleep. Best conversationalists make the topic fascinating through their technique. They use strong…

Better Business Writing – Book Review IV

Book Summary Better Business Writing – Engage readers – Tighten & brighten – Make your Case By Bryan A. Garner   Chapter 12 Use Chronology when giving factual account Stories are inherently chronological. It is more likely to be clear and efficient, and to keep readers interested. Just the facts that matter, and in right order. Plot out what happened,…

Better Business Writing – Book Review III

Better Business Writing – Engage readers – Tighten & brighten – Make your Case By Bryan A. Garner SECTION 2 – DEVELOPING YOUR SKILLS Chapter 8 BE RELENTELESLY CLEAR Clarity can be a double edged sword. Adopt the reader’s perspective. Always judge clarity from the reader’s standpoint not your own. Try to show the draft to a colleague for a…

Better Business Writing – Book Review II

Better Business Writing – Engage readers – Tighten & brighten – Make your Case By Bryan A. Garner   Chapter 6 IMPROVE WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN Once you’ve written a complete draft, you’ll revise first and then edit. Revising is like re-thinking the floor plan. Editing is more a matter of fine tuning sentences and paragraphs.   Allow yourself ample…

Better Business Writing – Book Review

Better Business Writing – Engage readers – Tighten & brighten – Make your Case By Bryan A. Garner   It matters how you say something. Slow down just a little to study the work of PRO’s Read one piece (at least) aloud each day as if you were a news announcer. Read with feeling.   Chapter 1 Know why you…

Leadership is an Art

 Darren Hardy Interviews Jim Kouzes  Jim Kouzes is the co-author of Leadership Challenge. Wall street Journal has called Jim one of the twelve best executive educators in USA. Learning Lessons from the Interview: (as interpreted & understood by me)   Being a true and successful leader is always a challenge   Leadership – Art of mobilizing others to want to…

Darren Hardy Interviews Harry Joiner

Darren Hardy Interviews Harry Joiner – Executive Recruiter  Harry Joiner is an executive recruiter specializing in integrated marketing and “new media.” His clients and candidates appear frequently in magazines like Fast Company, Internet Retailer, Advertising Age, and Multichannel Merchant. Learning Lessons from the Interview: (as interpreted & understood by me)   Key process to recruit – Think of it like a…